Workshop 1: Carbon Neutrality in the GCC: Between good-intentioned pledges and the harsh reality
Workshop 2: Gulf States and the Indo-Pacific: Agents or Objects of Geopolitical Competition?
Workshop 3: The Dimensions of Saudi Arabia’s Soft Power
Workshop 4: Economic Statecraft, Coercion, and Resilience in the Gulf
Workshop 5: Women in the GCC Socio-economic Contributions to the Urbanisation of Gulf Countries: Status, Challenges, Aspirations
Workshop 6: Challenges of Change and Transformation in the Gulf During COVID Times: Social, Economic and Political Dimensions
Workshop 7: Living Together Separately: social and cultural implications of migration to the GCC countries
Workshop 8: Tourism, economic diversification and economic diplomacy: Lessons from the Arabian Gulf
Workshop 9: Challenges in the COVID Environment: Lessons for Higher Education Reform in the Gulf
Worksho 10: Gulf State donors across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus
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